Friday, June 27, 2008

Monday, June 9, 2008

Global Warming in Spanish

El calentamiento climático es un muy polémico y verdaderamente, un asunto global. Calentamiento climatico ha sido debatido a través del mundo, especialmente por delegados, por los científicos, y por candidatos políticos. El calentamiento climático es un asunto de ciudadano' bussiness de s que juega un papel inmenso en desarrollos ambientales. El calentamiento climático puede ser definido a consecuencia de overaccumulation de gases "verdes de casa" en la atmósfera. Estas casa verde asfixía con gas ayudas nosotros mantener la atmósfera calenta, si no, la tierra entera será tan fría como el continente, Antártida. Sin embargo, cuando la acumulación de estos gases invernaderos está más allá de ozono requirments tendrá como resultado el "agotamiento de ozono". ¿Qué es los factores de la producción de estos gases invernaderos?

Los gases invernaderos son producidos como resultado de contribuciones humanas al ambiente a través de las décadas, de 1950 durante la temperatura Guerra-Global Fría ha estado aumentando. Contribuciones a estos aumento de la temperatura son: los programas nucleares de la prueba, bomba atómica-bombardeando de Nagasaki e Hiroshima durante el fin de la contaminación l Segunda Guerra Mundial-AMBIENTAL, el consumo de hidrocarburo, así como el consumo de combustible biológico. ¿Cómo es combustible biológico otro factor del calentamiento climático?

Los Bio-seres vivo abastecen de combustible el calentamiento climático de causas a causa de sus contribuciones al deforestration. En el Amazonas, por ejemplo, millones de árboles habían sido cortados, justo para el único propósito de la producción del combustible de bio. Los deberes mayores de árboles o plantas son: atrapa partículas radioactivas en la atmósfera por ejemplo Carbono-14, las plantas también nivel de oxígeno de recirculación en la atmósfera, excesive gases que verdes de casa en la atmósfera son reciclados para el uso humano, con lo cual reduciendo la probabilidad del agotamiento de ozono. También, un malfuntioning de cualquier miembro de un ecosistema también impresionará el fuctions del otro sistema. El ecosistema intriga conectado por contribución ligada.

Samson:Estos son mis propias palabras, pero yo lo tradujeron en español. Espero que alguien podrá traducirlo!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Invasion of World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft (or more commonly called "WoW") is taking over lives around the world. A online game made and published by Blizzard Entertainment has massed over 10 million players around the world. Scientists have given the game a addictive quality. The game is so addicted there is a case of a child dying from neglect because her parents were at a Internet cafe playing World of Warcraft. The point of the game is playing a avatar in exploring a immersing world, playing through the levels from 1 to 70. Once at level 70, you begin to getting better quality gear to enable yourself to raid dungeons. These higher grade instances are meant for groups of people playing in real time and supporting each other to reach the end of the raid.

The Invasion of World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft (or more commmonly called "WoW") is taking over lives around the world. A online game made and published by Blizzard Entertainment has massed over 10 million plaers around the world. Scientists have gave the game a addictive quality.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Yet So Dedicated

Words twist and tumble
Through my mind
But I can't grab the right word
Or the right line

So we sit In silence

But it’s not uncomfortable.

In fact I love it

You rest your head on my chest

As we lay here Lovers entwined

Hearts tangled

You raise your headAnd look into my eyes

And I see our love Almost as if it’s a real force

I don’t ever want to lose this moment

You lay your head on my chest once again

And now I can feel your heart beat

And my hearts skips

And I finally find the words I’m looking for

I love you
drum BUM
So Dedicated..
Was going through stuff when i wrote this


Have you ever end up somewhere you don't belong
have you ever felt weak and not always strong

Have you ever loved someone so bad
When they're finally gone you feel so sad.

Have you ever get treated different because
of the color of your skin or what you wearing.

1000 pgs

If I had a thousand pages,

I could never name them all,

The reasons that I love you,

For the list would be too tall.

I love you for the melody,

I hear within your voice.

The way your brown eyes hold me,

A captive, but by choice.

I love you for your gentle hands,

That melt away my pain.

I love you for your loving heart,

That made mine beat again.

I love you for your loving smile,

With which my old heart soars.

These are some of the reasons,

Every second beat is yours.

drum bum
Cornelio O. Jospeh
<3 M.M


Every girl worries about how her hair is going to look. Whether or not you put weave in your hair us girls still worry about how it's going to turn out and whether it looks neat or not. Now a days girls are getting a bob cut which is a cut that rihanna has. Certain hair styles is flatwist,buns,box braids, weave ponytails,etc. Us girls love getting our hair done.....well most of us!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

What grandparents need to know about Internet safety

Grandparents need to be aware that using Internet communication tools such as chat rooms, e-mail, and instant messaging can put children at potential risk of encountering online predators. The anonymity of the Internet means that trust and intimacy can develop quickly online. Predators take advantage of this anonymity to build online relationships with inexperienced young people. Grandparents can help protect their kids by becoming aware of the risks related to online communication and being involved in their kids' Internet activities. But the question is: How do online predators work?

Predators establish contact with kids through conversations in chat rooms, instant messaging, e-mail, or discussion boards. Many teens use peer support online forums to deal with their problems. Predators often go to these online areas to look for vulnerable victim. Online predators try to gradually seduce their targets through attention, affection, kindness, and even gifts, and often devote considerable time, money, and energy to this effort. They're aware of the latest music and hobbies likely to interest kids. They listen to and sympathize with kids' problems. They also try to ease young people's inhibitions by gradually introducing sexual content into their conversations or by showing them sexually explicit material.

Some predators work faster than others, engaging in sexually explicit conversations immediately. This more direct approach may include harassment or stalking. Predators may also evaluate the kids they meet online for future face-to-face contact.

According to a researcher, Jonathan Stromberg, the Internet is just a haven for online predators. It offers them 2 big advantages: Firstly, it is completely anonymous, and secondly, it offers an unprecedented level of access to an endless supply of children and teenagers who are actively seeking to chat online. According to the Online victimization research carried out by NCMEC (2000), one in five children who use chat rooms have been approached over the Internet by pedophiles.

The easiest thing in the world is to login to a chat site and pretend to be a teenager from the other side of the country; when in reality you are a a guy in his 40's from the same town.Chatting with friends online - via services like MySpace and Bebo - is beginning to take over from watching TV as the main hobby of many young people. Much of the chat is happening in what are called 'community websites'. Unlike chat rooms, they are not open to everyone: each person has to be invited to join in.

In the course of a normal getting to know each conversation, it is then no more difficult to elicit everyday information, such as what school the child or teenager goes to, and where he or she goes to in the evenings.

Online predators come in different shapes and sizes, and have differing expectations from their online predatory experience. There are the more 'benign' online predators; who get their kicks simply from simply communicating on a normal level with children and teenagers, and who do not being sexual context into the conversations. This is not too much to worry about, other than its spooky factor.

Unfortunately, however, a much greater amount of online predators want to take the relationship onto a higher level. As a rule, this involves asking the child to take part in some kind of light sexual conversational flirtation. This can involve talking about some sexual issue in a roundabout way, without getting too direct. Often, online predators will move onto the next level if they have success eliciting such information. Now they start intensifying such conversation, and may even ask for pictures of the child of a sexual nature; in some state of undress for instance. Fortunately, this is the point (if they haven't already) that some children and teenagers become sufficiently wary so as to become more cautious with what information they share. Unfortunately, though, a lot of teenagers continue to play the game.

From a grandparents perspective, it may seem impossible that their child would enter into a virtual conversation of such nature with a stranger. This of course negates the fact that our children make very different interpretations to the same events as us, and what for us can seem like a cold clear fact that out well brought up children will understand, can by them be perceived as something blown of out proportion and not relevant in their case anyhow. Even if a teenager treats her parents words seriously, things can rapidly change late at night when the guy sending flirtatious messages is a 'handsome young lad from California.'

The issue that should be of most concern for parents is the number of online predators who will go as far as trying to arrange a meeting with the child that they have been in contact with. Such individuals often have considerable experience, and for them it is not difficult to coerce children into a meeting. According to the Youth Internet survey, 2004, in the period of that year, 1 in 33 children received aggressive sexual solicitation; in which the predator tried to fix a meeting with the child. As it can be seen, this is a real issue, and something that parents should certainly be aware of, and consider when establishing rules concerning how their child can use the Internet.

According to the same survey, it was shown that only 25% of children and adolescents who encountered a solicitation told their parents, and it can be very difficult for parents to control their child's use of such sites, as the majority of children and adolescents use occurs at home, right after school, when working parents aren't at home.

Software technology can help you. Its not the magic cure for all online predator ills, but, combined with education and discipline, it is a big step in the right direction towards protecting your children from the problems and dangers associated with Internet use and the computer as a whole. There are different types of software that can assist you in different ways.

Internet filter and monitor programs can help you keep an eye on what your child is doing on the Internet, and enable you to establish filters so that certain chat sites cannot be accessed by your children, or so that certain words cannot be received or sent through chat sites. The best filtering programs are very flexible, which means that you can set your level of filtering which corresponds exactly with your needs.

Computer control programs enable you to control exactly when and how your computer is used. You can set the times when the computer can be used as whole, or each of its individual components, such as the Internet, certain programs, and the CD Rom. In this way you can restrict computer use to times when you are at home, so that you can keep an eye on how your child is using the computer. Such programs are also great for parents as well as grandparents whose children spend too long on the computer.

The fact is that, media is fun and the kids love it. We also know that kids now spend so much time absorbing its messages and images that it has become "the other parent" in their lives, powerfully affecting their mental, physical, and social development. The government need to impose an age appropriate media and the media industry needs to act responsibly as it creates and markets contents for each audience.

In conclusions, grandparents as well as parents should have a choice and a voice about the media our kids consume. Even though every family is different t but all need information. I think that the best way to create a more effective online safety is that the government should impose appropriate regulations at the right time, at the right place, and the right manner. They need to be upheld by our elected leaders. I think that the government should set up one independent and transparent universal rating system for all media. There should be a diversity of programming and media ownership. However, we can't cover our kids eyes, we just have to teach our kids to be a savvy interpreters. Through informed decision making, we can improve the media landscape one decision at a time.

Should we allow our children to play with toy weapons?

Children are like computers that are in the programming stage, they absorb every bits of information that are imputed in to them. If you should buy a toy weapon for your children, this weapon will be the symbol of encouragements and they will dream to make use of these weapons in the future. If you investigate the background of most of the terrorists in the world, you may find out that source of emulation for massacre and genocide ascribe right from their childhood. Many of these terrorists in one way or the other may have encounter toy weapons that they finally put into use.

Using our money to but toy weapons is like authorizing the destruction of these young juveniles. If you ask your child to put his/her hand into fire, will he/she do it or not? The child will put his/her hands in the fire, because he/she knows that the order is from her parents. You know that toy weapon can create wrong impression in the mind of our children. To use toy weapon especially when playing with other kids will create a permanent wrong childhood images in the mind of these children.

Therefore, it is not advisable to allow children to play with toy weapons. As a matter of facts, any child that is fund of using too much toy weapons could make such a child to lose interests towards his/her studies, which can affect academy statues of such a child. Also, it is advisable to allow a child to undergo moral scrutiny, that is to say, a child should be allowed to be strictly disciplined-morally. Moreover, I am not saying a child should not play with toy, but ordinary toy with age limit is different from toy created with the depiction and sculpture of reality-future armaments builder. The fact is, toy weapons can easily influence a child to use dangerous weapon, either at an earlier age or adolescent age. A saying goes that, "Experience is the best teacher." The teacher for most of these kids is their experience with the toy weapons-violence.

Toy weapons can cause danger in the hands of the children possessing the toys. In fact, some children are mistaken toy weapons for real weapons or real weapons for toy. Some of the weapons, such as M-16 and military weapons now resemble children toys. I was passing by a house and to my surprise, I saw little kids of age seven, having fun by shooting at each other. These toy bullets are as big as a pebble of stone. My major concern is the result of the occurrence, if the bullets mistakenly injure these kids. What will the parents say or do to the issue if it occurs? These kids have no money to buy toy weapons by themselves; of course, it is the overindulgent parents that are responsible for the proliferation brainwash of their children.

The responsibility of giving our children toy weapons depicts-clearly-the parents as the architect of their children future. Don't forget the saying that says that, "Discipline begins at home," the discipline that we'll give to our children we show in the type of the discipline that they will show in the future. However, another saying says that, " it takes a community of people to raise one child," passing messages to parents around the world will give prior knowledge of the danger that lies ahead tomorrow for the young toy weaponsters and the society in general. Their are still millions of children around the globe using toy weapons as a media for fun. *Instead of giving these children dangerous toys and non-dangerous toys, you can involve the children in interesting academic programs. The more you expose your children to academic learning programs that will increase their educational knowledge that will prepare them for what lies ahead in the future, the more your child is likely to become a genius. Step-by-step, you are building up a future IQ kid. Let's join our hands together to give our children the best training that they deserved and we should reduce the usage of toys. You never may know that the next generation will mitigate or if possible solve the issue of Global Warming, pollution, natural disasters, poverty etc.

Should modern Germans be held responsible for payments caused by Nazi terror

The Nazis' reign had ended about 63 years ago, following the deployment of World War II. The deed had been done and the cost of human lives cannot be payed, and the destruction caused by this war is irreparable. Do you want to pay for millions of private and governmental properties destroyed during the war or can you reincarnate the trillions of soldiers lost during the time of the war or those that are dead or the Jews that died form the Holocaust of 1938? In my own opinion, modern Germans should not be held responsible for payments caused by Nazi terror. Why? Most of the modern generations in Germany are innocent of the war crimes and the atrocity committed against humanity. In fact, the Nuremberg trials had done its duties. Most of the leaders that committed crimes against humanity are prosecuted; after Adolf Hitler executed himself, the remaining Nazi leaders faced trials and payed for their committed crimes. I don't think there is any other reason for why the modern Germans should be held responsible for payments caused by Nazi terror, is like pouring hot water to a burn scar.

The fire of revanchism is still burning in minds of those who read, watched through a media source, or witnessed the Nazi acts of terrorism in Europe and in the World. We feel like punishing the whole country of Germany for their deeds. But there is something that we haven't considered, those who committed the atrocities and the acts of belligerency on humanity had paid for them some years back. The generation that committed those sins had been wiped out. These present generations are totally pristine to the Nazi terror. Do you know a saying that says that, "the way that the father thinks is different form that of the children." Do you ponder on what might have happen if the modern generations in Germany are around before the war started? Do you think that the world will be peaceful uptill now, with the exception of the Japanese? What action or business sank Germany into a huge financial and humanity debts that they can't pay uptill now? I will give you the answers to the questions.

One of the major problems that Germany was confronted with before the start of the wars was the huge debts that it owes to the nations that lend her money, especially the United States, Britain, and France. The debt is so massive that Germany had to print huge amount of paper money to pay the debt on the ground. As a result, the country entered the Great Depression. German money due to overprint, was turned into a paper towel. You will see kids playing with the money like they are playing with toys. The economical issue was scaled as a worst case analysis. After the Great depression ends, the people are not willing to elect for the former government before the Great Depression. They wanted an intelligent leader that will speed up the growth of the nation. The people wanted economy stability and they do not want the tragic and devastating incident to repeats itself. The same idea also spread across the rest of Europe. A new political ideology emerged from the need of the German people-Fascism. Historically, Fascism started in Italy under Benito Mussolini, also known as IL DUCE (the leader). It started because of the same political aspirations of the National Socialist German Workers' Party [Nazi].

Adolf Hitler (the Fhrer), the dictator of the decades, used this opportunity to seize power 'legally'. Some conservatives in Germany thought that they could use him for their political purposes. The conservatives convinced President Paul Von Hindenburg to elect Hitler as his Chairman, not knowing that Hitler is overfilled with his own plans. Through these process, Hitler became a dictator. *Another reason for the misbehavior of latter Germans was the revanchism that stemmed out of the dismemberment and the jurisdiction decisions of the League of Nations after World War I. The league of nations is created to give justice that will fulfill its law and not to create peace between or among warring leaders. Also, these decisions of taking all of Germany's possessions as way to pay for their crimes, did not prevent the re-militarization of Germany. The League of Nations is like a scare row sculpture on the Farms to scare birds and rodent away; the animals that are scared by the scare crow will begin to realize that the figure is just an ordinary statues made for foolish bird and rodents like them.

The first movement that Hitler emulate was Italy's invasion of Ethiopia. The League of Nations refused to react. When Japan invaded China, it also refused to react. Why? The League of Nations leaders-US, Britain, France-are tied down by the neutrality acts. This neutrality acts states that country must not involve in the war concerning another nation, as long as it does not affect them, that is, they remained non-aligned. Also, the countries are not ready to enter another war, considering the lost of World War I. Therefore, Hitler saw this unresponsively actions of the so called-League of Nations as a factor of morale. If not, as peaceful as the World is before WWII, it should still be peaceful uptill now. What about the test for weapons of destruction and new military strategy e.g the blitzkrieg-"lightening war" invented by Hitler or the spirit of expansionism of other nations, such as the Soviet? With all of these requirements, WWII is truly inevitable.

With the points drawn so far, modern Germans should not be held in any means responsible for the sins that they did not commit.They are not the people that committed the crime, so why are they going to be the people to suffer for it? In my own opinion, Justice must be served for those who committed the crime. In the case of Germany, the justice had been served-Nuremberg Trials.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Is their really a reason!!!!!!!!!!!

Is their really a reason for why people do the the things they do?
Why do people feel like they must ruin other peoples lives just to feel good about themselevs?
why do people get the feeling that they must put others down to feel secure.Cant they develope their own pride instead of belittling other people!!!!!!!!!!!

by soulja girl a wy wy

The very sexy, talented Usher is baaaaccckkk! He's been making hits since I can remember and still making hot hits now. His single "Make love in the club" and his newest single"Moving Mountains" are poppin'! I would know because im Ushe's #1 fan a.ka wifey!

Did you know

Did you know that some school in brooklyn has a fear of 13 qnd 14 year old?
In a high school there are some 17 year old that are scared to come to school due to the fact that 13 and 14 year olds come to school with guns everyday.The 17 and 18 year olds have a population of 200 kids and 50 of the them come to school everyday.The 13 and 14 year olds are about to take over.The 13 and 14 year old are tired of going to school being picked on for no reason.Some odfthem use to get jumped,harrased,even sexually insulted.Now the 13 and 14 year old are trying to come back and let the seniors know that its over for them bothering them.Do you think its right?

By soulja girl and wy wy

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


This is the Flag of Ghana, that is where my parents from

This is the England flag, i was born and raised there but moved


This is my country 'Nigeria'; the lion of Africa.

L' UNION FAIT LA FORCE The Land ,The People,The Light
yea It's culture day HAITI AND ST. LUCIA

Yaaaayyy! Today is culture day and im repin' for puerto rico and america!!! I'm very proud to be part of these cultures because it's a sexy mixture! I know yazzy agree lol......anyways bouricua and american for life!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Wednesday may 28 ,2008 marks A.C.P.C.E first culture day of hopefully many. Its a time to "rep ya country." The countries you see circled are a few countries that some of our students attend. If i didn't circle your country sorry. All i left to say is bring containers because the food is about to pour in.



Christian Audigier as world famous designer. He designed Ed Hardy Brand label. The name ed hardy came from Don Ed hardy a famous modern tattoo artist. Christian came from a southern France called Avignon. He was always a rock and roll fan. he wanted to become the next mick Jagger but he couldn't sing in tune to save his life. So instead he went to the clothing side. He himself helped Von Dutch become the success that it was because of his intuitive style.
Another clothing line that is about to hit off is called Smet. This is christian and Johnny Halladay. This is one of the ed hardy guru's favorite people and artist.
This style is a punk rock paradise. Skull belt wallet chains. And for those of us who cannot get a tattoo we have to settle with wearing them on our clothes.

Monday, May 26, 2008




The average global temperature has been steadily increasing for more than a century, particularly since the 1950s. In Earth's long history there have been many such periods of global warming, often followed by centuries of cold. Scientists hypothesize that sunspot cycles may contribute to these cyclical changes in global temperature. Many scientists suspect, however, that human activity may be significantly contributing to global warming in modern times.

Our planet would be as cold as the moon except for the insulating effects of certain gases- called greenhouse gases-such as water vapor, carbon dioxide(CO2), methane, and nitrous oxide in the atmosphere. The chemical bonds in carbon dioxide molecule absorb solar energy as heat radiates from Earth. The process called the greenhouse effect, traps heat within the atmosphere in the same way glass traps heat within a green house. There has been a large increase in carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere in recent times. This increase seems to be related to the burning of fossil fuels that has accompanied clearing of the forests and urban industrialization.

The question is: is Global Warming occurring? The correlation of increasing temperatures with increasing carbon dioxide levels is very close. Therefore, many scientists are convinced temperature and carbon dioxide are related. In science, however, correlation does not prove cause and effect. Both global temperature and levels of green house gases may be changing because of other variables that have not been recognized yet. Some countries take seriously the possibility that increasing green house gases play a role in global warming. These countries are attempting to formulate international treaties that place limits on greenhouse-gas emissions. The matter remains controversial, however, and the role of green house gases in global warming is hostly contested.

Examples of ozone depletion or global warming occur on a large scale. But what about serious environmental problems that occur in our own backyard? For example, one important urban environmental problem is chemical pollution. Until recently, people assumed that the environment can absorb any amount of pollution.
By 1985, the scientific community had learned that CFCs are the primary cause of the of the ozone hole . High in the atmosphere, ultraviolet radiation from the sun is able to break the usually stable bonds in CFCs. The resulting free chlorine atoms then enter into series of reactions have been banned as aerosol propellants in spray cans in the United States. Today many countries limit or ban the use of CFCS.

Scientists expect an increased incidence of diseases caused by exposure to ultra violet radiation, because the decrease in ozone allows more ultraviolet radiation to reach the earths surface. These diseases include skin cancer, cataracts(a disorder in which the lens of the eye becomes cloudy), and cancer of the retina, the light-sensitive part of the eye. In fact, in the United States, the number of cases of malignant melanoma, a potentially lethal form of skin cancer, has almost doubled since 1980.

Another source of global warming is coal- burning power plants which sends smoke high into the atmosphere through tall smokestacks, often more than 300m(984ft) tall. This smoke contains high concentrations of sulfur because the coal that plants burn is in sulfur. Scientists have since discovered that the sulfur introduced into the atmosphere by smokestacks can combine with water vapor to produce sulfuric acid back to Earth's surface. In short, these consequences are all related to global warming.

Environmental problems such as global warming affect all inhabitants of an ecosystem without regard to state or national boundaries. As human activities continue to place severe stress on ecosystems, worldwide attention must be focused in solving these problems. Serious attempts to address the overall problem of pollution, the major cause of global warming, have brought about more fundamental changes in our society.

Two effective approaches have been taken to reduce pollution in the United States. The first approach has been to pass laws forbidden it. In the last 30 years, laws have begun to significantly low the spread of pollution. These laws impose strict standard for what can be released into the environment. For example, all cars are required to have catalytic converters to reduce emissions. Similarly, the clean Act of 1990 requires scrubbers on the smokestacks of power plants. converters and scrubbers make cars and energy more expensive. The effect is that the consumer pays more to avoid pulling the environment.

A second effective approach to reducing pollution has been to make it more expensive by placing a tax on it. The gasoline tax is a good example of such a tax. To be fully effective, however, a tax must be high enough to reflect the actual cos of the pollution. By adjusting the tax, the governments attempts to balance the conflicting demands of environmental safety and economic growth. Such taxes often imposed on the industry in the form of "pollution permits," are becoming increasingly common.

In conclusion, we cannot hope to preserve what we do not understand. Human rely on the Earth's ecosystems for food and all the other materials that our civilization depends on. It has been said that we do not inherit the Earth from our parents but borrow it from our children. Therefore, we must preserve for them a world in which they can live. Although solving the world's environmental problem will take the efforts of many people, including politicians, economists, and engineers, the issues are largely biological. When all is said and done, your knowledge of ecology is the essential tool that you can contribute that you can contribute to the effort.


According to Stanford Encyclopedia, individuals are a prominent part of the biological world .Physical anthropologists view humans as biological organisms. Coupled with genetics and biochemistry, scientists can form a more complete picture of human anatomy, both past and present. Physical anthropology looks at human variation and evolution. Variation looks at the biological differences that exist between individuals within a population and at individuals between populations (e.g., body shape, size, and physiological responses). These differences in human biology are measured using a technique called anthropometry 1. In order to explain this diversity, physical anthropologists look to environmental conditions (including culture) and genetics. Taking these factors into account, the anthropologist attempts to formulate an evolutionary explanation for the differences.

Human evolution looks at the bodily changes that have occurred over the years leading up to modern day Homo sapiens. Inorder to determine the changes that have taken place in human anatomy we rely on paleoanthropology, the study of human fossil remains, and primatology, and the study of other primates. Paleoanthropology helps us determine who our ancestors were, and when, how and why they evolved. Primatology allows us to see the similarities and differences between other primates and ourselves and allows us to trace these evolutionary relationships. For example, such a study has determined that humans share approximately 98.6% of the eco-community

A large amount of research has been done on biological sex-based differences in various kinds of intelligence. Social biology is a tricky fields, because it is difficult to separate the effects of environment and genetics on individuals. Environmental differences can be immense. Many studies in this field have been flawed by the lack of adequate controls. For example, some studies of differential mathematical ability have failed to take into account that the male subjects had taken more math courses than the females or used different types of toys as children. Researchers have generally found that men tend to have superior spatial ability, while women have superior verbal ability, with both differences developing at puberty; however, the interplay between biological and social influences is not yet understood.

As discussed earlier in the report, boys are given more toys that would encourage development of spatial skills, while girls are spoken to more by adults. The main point is "that hormonal levels can affect people's performance on certain verbal and spatial tests," basic biological bottom line is to reproduce and have offspring that in turn have offspring while human males may have evolved often under an imperative to invade and conquer, a basic reproductive imperative for females has been to do whatever they can to foster social stability.This is why a world with fully empowered women sharing with men in decisions regarding war would be more socially stable: because of a female's unavoidable and costly commitment to her offspring, the future of the species, basic human female biological priorities are different from those of males. These differences are not cultural. Their origins are deeply rooted in our evolutionary past.

According to AAPA report, Biological differences between human beings reflect both hereditary factors and the influence of natural and social environments. In most cases, these differences are due to the interaction of both. The degree to which environment or heredity affects any particular trait varies greatly. Physical, cultural and social environments influence the behavioral differences among individuals in society. Although heredity influences the behavioral variability of individuals within a given population, it does not affect the ability of any such population to function in a given social setting. The genetic capacity for intellectual development is one of the biological traits of our species essential for its survival. This genetic capacity is known to differ among individuals. The peoples of the world today appear to possess equal biological potential for assimilating any human culture. Racist political doctrines find no foundation in scientific knowledge concerning modern or past human populations.

In short, we must realize that it is the unique ensemble of all the aforementioned characteristics-gene frequencies, and physical and geographical characteristics-which differentiate individuals."The difference between genetic information and gene expression is like the difference between computer hardware, which are the genes themselves, and computer software, which tells the computer what to do on the hardware."Scientists have known for many years about genetic variation,However, this study is one of the first to look at the variation in gene activity between individuals and populations. What causes the observed groupings of organisms of different species, called the community, to vary across the planet? biological differences lead to essential differences between woman-people and man-people that lead to some people being presumed essentially better than others.

In conclusion, most of the genetic differences between individuals are of little relevance, but others might fall at a critical spot in the gene, leading to a particular disease.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Young Jeezy

Jay Jenkins (a.k.a) was born in Columbia, South Carolina. As an infant, Jenkins and his family relocated to Duncan Block, a neighborhood in Macon, Georgia (75 miles / 120 km south of Atlanta). At a young age, his parents separated. As a result, he was constantly sent to stay with his aunts and grandmothers when he was not being sent between his father and mother. During these years, he built a strong relationship with his older cousins, who were also drug dealers. They often shared their earnings with him, which attracted him to the drug dealer lifestyle. When Jenkins was 12 years old, he started selling drugs in his neighborhood. By 1994, he was arrested and charged with possession of crack cocaine, and served nine months in a boot camp in Savannah, Georgia. He eventually moved to West Atlanta’s 4th Ward between late 1999 and early 2000. Jeezy has described his childhood as “empty”.

The Dream

Terius Youngdell Nash, better known by his stage name The-Dream, is an American singer and songwriter. He rose to fame following the writing of hits including Rihanna's "Umbrella", J. Holiday's "Bed" and others. He recently co-wrote Ciara's new single High Price, which was produced by his production partner Tricky Stewart. On his album he has singles like "Shawty is a ten Ft. Fabolous, Falsetto, and his newest I luv your gurl."

Here is his new hit, I luv your gurl Ft. Young Jeezy.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Charter Provisions on Peacemaking
While the UN Charter does not explicitly mention the organization's peacemaking role in ethnic or other types of internal conflicts , under the provisions of charter VI the security Council is empowered in situation that threaten international peace and security to call on all parties to settle their dispute by peaceful means and to recommend appropriate procedures and actual terms of a settlement. But is up to the parties themselves, acting voluntarily, to resolve their dispute peacefully in the light of the UN's recommendation. The UN's traditional peacemaking role as understood from the charter is therefore closer to facilitation than mediation.

UN Peacemaking During the Cold War
During the years of the cold war, the UN was caught in a dilemma. Although effective mediation was difficult to undertake as a result of the political divisions of the world and the virtual paralysis of the Security Council, at the same time the UN quickly realized that the permanent resolutions of conflicts can only be achieved through political negotiations; for that, leverage mediation was often required.
To overcome this dilemma, Secretary Dag Hammarskjold introduced the concept of preventive diplomacy. One common form preventive diplomacy took was the establishment of compression of inquiry or observation units to examine the facts of a dispute. Such fact-finding activities included interrogation, observation, area surveys, and inspection, as well as the analyses and the interpretation of this facts.
To be sure, preventive diplomacy by the UN was a positive step forward, but when it came to resolving ethnic conflicts, the UN's peacemaking efforts were miniscule. Cold war restrictions aside, both the General Assembly and the Security Council were "inappropriate arenas for the settlement of ethnic conflict because they are composed of states and exclude ethnic groups that do not represent sovereign states." Moreover, there was nothing in the charter that would allow the Security Council or the General Assembly to "relate to non-state agencies such as liberation movements, communal minorities, or political parties." Ethnic groups, therefore, found it difficult to communicate their views to the UN unless they could find a state sponsor willing to raise their case, as Turkey did for the Turkish Cypriots in Cyprus and Arab states did for the Palestine Liberation Organization(PLO)But most ethnic groups did not have such state sponsors, which usually resulted in UN inaction.
The UN's lack of enforcement capability further undermined its effectiveness as a peacemaker, especially in cases where UN members passed resolutions in support of an ethnonationalists movement. Finally, the General Assembly and Security Council's style of operation--the passing of resolutions--undermined the UN's facilitating role in two distinct ways. (1)the tendency of UN members passed to outvote their opponents did little to encourage adversaries to negotiate on the issues that divided them. (2)At times closely worded resolutions, instead of providing the UN a general framework for pursuing a peace settlement, actually restricted the organization's room to maneuver.

Has the UN Become a More Effective Peacemaker After the Cold War?
Between 1987 and 1991, the UN achieved a number of success in settling outstanding conflicts. The problem lies with the UN decision-making process that deprives the organization of dynamism and flexibility in pursuing mediation. Lack of credibility further decreases the leverage of the UN, hindering the bargaining process and diminishing the probability that the adversaries would accept the proposals put forward by the UN for settling the conflict. The erosion of credibility further hinders UN mediators from offering crucial "guarantees for implementing and observing an agreement."
To read more about "United Nations as a Peacemaker," read: " Understanding Ethnic Conflict: The International Dimension."

Kimora Lee A.K.A My Mommy!!!

Kimora lee is the fabulous C.E.O fashion designer of Baby Phat! Baby Phat is the most fabulous pieces of clothing that you can wear. Kimora is a mom of 2, retired model and a C.E.O she's a very busy woman and has a lot of people that work for her and respect her. She continues to be strict and hard working to keep up the money in the Baby Phat department. My mommy knows how to work it!



Toilet Paper

Toilet Paper

Toilet Paper can be used in many ways. It has been used in the bathroom, it can be used to do lazy decorations, and to make trouble such as being thrown at people. Someone in our journalism class experienced that. Heres a clue who it is...


He even tasted it.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


This year is elections and the candidates are, Hilliary Rodham Clinton, John McCain, and Barack Obama. This year people see the elections very differently from the other election years. The reason for this is because there is a woman and a African American as candidates, and this had never happened before in the history of the United States. The candidates are doing everything they can to win the elections.
This year was also the year the Dominican Republic voted for new president. Last week they announced that the old president, Leonerd Fernandez, had won the elections once again. This would be his third turn being president of the Dominican Republic. Almost no one in the Dominican Republic wanted him as president, but with the votes of the people of the United States he won.




Examples of global exchange such as ozone depletion or global warming occur on a large scale. but what about serious environmental problems that occur in our own backyard? For example, one important urban environmental problem is chemical pollution. Until recently, people assumed that the environment can absorb any amount of pollution.

Lake Erie and other large lakes became polluted because of the assumption that they could absorb unlimited amount of industrials chemicals. Because of this incorrect assumption, pollution has often risen to a serious level. In a highly publicized example of pollution, a very large oil tanker ran aground off the coast of Alaska in 1989. Oil from the tanker heavily polluted 1,600 km(1000 mi) of coastline and injured or killed thousands of marine animals, such as the common scoter was one of the thousands of animals involve in the terrible accidents.

Despite costly and heroic cleanup efforts damage to local wildlife was extensive. This dramatic example is not an isolated occurrence, smaller oil spills and leaks that received little or no publicity account for more than 90 percent of all pollution from seepage. Many of the most disastrous incidents of pollution involve industrials chemicals that are toxic or carcinogenic(cancer-causing). Until recently, there has been relatively little regulation of the manufacture, transportation, storage, and destruction of such chemicals.

A particularly clear example of this problem occurred in Basel, Switzerland, in 1986.Fire fighters putting out a warehouse fire accidentally washed 27,000 kg(30 tons) of mercury and pesticides that were stored in the warehouse in the Rhine river. This poisons flowed from down the Rhine, through Germany and the Netherlands, and into the North Sea, killing fish and other aquatic animals and plants. Today the river is recovering, but its species diversity remains far lower than it was before the disaster.

Agricultural pollutants are among one of the major environmental pollutants in our society today. In many countries, modern agriculture introduces large amounts of chemicals into the global system. These chemicals include pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. Industrialized countries like United States now attempt to carefully monitor the side effects of these chemicals. Unfortunately, large quantities of many toxic chemicals that are no longer manufactured still circulate the ecosystem. The issues of pesticide pollution is just beginning to gain attention in the world agricultural system.

For example, molecules of chlorinated hydrocarbons-a class of compounds that includes the pesticide DDT, chlordane, lindane, and dieldrin-brake down slowly in the environment.* They also accumulate in the fatty tissue of animals. As these molecules pass up the trophic levels of the food chain, they become increasingly concentrated. This process is called biological magnification.

The presence of DDT in birds causes thin fragile eggshells, which can break during incubation. Because of DDT use many predatory birds in the United States and elsewhere failed to reproduce, and their numbers dwindled. In 1972, the use of DDT was restricted in the United States, and threatened bird population slowly began to increase. However, chlorinated hydrocarbons, are still manufactured in the United States and exported to other countries, where their use continues.

In conclusion. in order for us to meets the needs of an increasingly crowded world, the use of chemicals is necessary. We must learn to use them as intelligently as possible. Doing so well produce capacity of the Earth. Failure is not a rational option.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Fat Joe

Fat Joe was born Joseph Antonio Cartagena on August 17, 1970. (Also known as Fat Joe da Gangsta, Joey Crack, and Don Cartagena) is an American rapper, Of Puerto Rican and Cuban heritage, and born and brought up in the Bronx, Joe was popular in the underground hip hop scene during the early and mid-1990s. During this period, Joe was affiliated with KRS-One there are pictures online at KRS-One's Temple of Hiphop site showing them drawing graffiti ("bombing") together. He is also a member of the D.I.T.C. Crew (the "Digging in the Crates Crew"), along with well-respected hip-hoppers such as Diamond D, Lord Finesse, O.C., A.G., Buckwild, occasional member Big L (deceased), and Big Pun (deceased). The title of the group refers to DJs who "dig in the crates" of used record stores to find rare or novel records with "breaks" that they could use for production or in performances. he has been in the rap game for long. He also have come up with great albums. Also there are hit records like "lean Back", "Make it rain", and "I won't tell Ft. J Holiday". Out of all his music, my favorite was Lean Back the remix version.

From 50 Cent to 30 Mill+

50 Cent, a rapper with alot of haters but also alot of fans, came up from the bottom to one of the richest rappers today.


Only rapper this decade to make over 5 million with his classic album, Get Rich Or Die Tryin. Even if you hate him you have to admit, he gets that paper. Forbes 123 listed 50 Cent as the 3rd richest rapper, with worth of 34 million. Shout out to all the haters!

Life Without You

Without your love I'm empty
No one can replace you.
No matter what we go through i still love you.
All the beatings;
Add up to something.I might be angry at re moment
but I know you love me,
I know you want what's best for me.
My respect for you is unconditional.
I promised myself that I will be successful then share it with you.
I can't wait to see that beautiful smile of your's.
And life without you I can't stand.


A rangy set of friends from Fall Out Boy to Lil Wayne, it was obvious from the start that Tyga was not your everyday rapper from Compton. After recording a mixtape and promoting it around the city, Tyga ran into Gym Class Heroes member Travis McCoy in the Flight Club L.A. sneaker shop. Their conversation went from shoes to rappers, and as Travis' group went from unknowns to MTV stars, he would always remember that talk and the scrappy rapper who so impressed him. Travis signed Tyga to his Bad Squad label and then invited him along when the punk-pop group Fall Out Boy came calling. Travis and Tyga would appear on the remix to Fall Out Boy's "Arms Race," which also featured Kanye West, Paul Wall, Skinhead Rob, Lupe Fiasco, and Lil Wayne. When the remix became a hit, Tyga found himself performing the track on MTV's Video Music Awards in 2007. He soon entered the studio to do some guest shots for his new friend Lil Wayne before shifting the focus to his solo career. His first single became the hooky "Coconut Juice."

Friday, May 16, 2008

Bow Wow

Bow Wow was born Shad Gregory Moss on March 9, 1987 in Columbia Ohio. Bow Wow never saw his father when he was growing up, and neither did his half-sister Erica, by his mother and her other husband. When he was five, he started his rap career using the nickname "Kid Gangsta." One year later, he took front stage during "The Chronic Tour" and impressed rapper Snoop Dogg, who later gave him the name "Lil' Bow Wow." Snoop Dogg later hired him as an opening act and introduced him to Jermaine Dupri, a producer who helped Bow Wow career. He has come up with hit singles. His first album "Beware of the dog." He started going out with co-artist Ciara, unfortunately it didn't work out for both of them. His newest album "Face Off" with Omarion sold out they made enough money and came out with hit singles like "Jump Off" and "Girlfriend." My favorite song he ever made was "Shortie Like Mine" Ft Chris Brown and Jermaine Dupri.

Thursday, May 15, 2008